As part of our business we have set aside a couple of days a month to work on a voluntary basis as electrical contractors.

Our intention is simply to help people in need; such as those who are elderly, frail, ill or are recognised to be in need generally.


Do you have a relative that has lived in a house for a very long time??

Its probable that the electrical installation in their house has not been checked for safety for many years if at all.

If you know of someone in need get them to contact us and we will assess the current situation and make any advice according to what is required to ensure the installation is safe.


Electrical Works

We are happy to assist those outlined in the categories above for small scale electrical works which will make a difference to their lives.


Electrical Installation Safety

If a situation is dangerous we will make assess the situation, make the installation safe and then advice and discuss any remedial action with the householder or other designated person (family member etc.)


Costs & Expenses

The only costs arising from any of this work are for the purchase cost of any materials used and any arising expenses (such as travel costs).


Our advice, labour and time are free


All we ask is a chat and for a cup of tea (white with one sugar!)